Hello, I’m Michelle Hotchkiss…
a 4th generation Tucsonan and 3rd Generation Realtor. I have a penchant for historic & vintage properties and specialize in Tucson's Atomic Mid-Century & Mid-Century Modern properties - Atomic Ranch, MCM, Brick and Burnt Adobe Ranches and Bungalows.
As a member of MAPP - Tucson's Modern Architecture Preservation Project, I have helped identify and preserve a part of Tucson's architectural history, as well as a co-founder and co-chair of the annual Tucson Modernism Week event, curating the home tour and other special events.
I spent 8 years combined in Los Angeles and New York City, where I worked as photography editor and location scout for advertising campaigns and in editorial publishing. I got home-sick and returned to the beautiful Southwest in 2007.
I specialise in: Buyers Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Certified Military Relocation Specialist